Friday, January 22, 2010

First Grade Rhythm Makers

Firstgraders had a blast reading, clapping and writing rhythms. Students learned five different rhythms that included quarter notes, double eighth notes, and quarter rests. They then wrote these rhythms with rhythm markers on their beat strips. Great job first grade!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Getting Ready to Jam!

The fourth graders are getting ready for their grade level performance of We Haz Jazz. Students are seen here reading through their scripts focusing on vocal projection and expression. The show is sure to be a hit!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kindergarteners Create Music

Kindergartners spent Monday learning music vocabulary. Boring? NO WAY! Class began with the question, "What is pitch?" (Not the pitch used in baseball, the one used in music.)

Pitch is used to describe how high or low a note sounds. Kindergartners described many high and low things we see every day-birds and beetles, clouds and grass. We explored high and low pitches by moving up or down with the notes of the slide whistle.

We then moved over to the SMARTBoard so we could see high and low pitches. Using the Sketch Pad at kindergartners drew the letters M, V, and W and listened to the sound of the letters. Take some time to explore this site with your child. I think you'll both have a ton of fun!