Recorder Remix

Some tips to remember when playing your recorder:
  • Your left hand always goes on top.
  • Play with soft, warm air.
  • If your recorder is squeaking, play softer.
  • If it is still squeaking, make sure your holes are covered.
Make your own recorder case.

Here are some wonderful recorder links.

Enter the Recorder Karate Dojo and practice your favorite Recorder Karate songs! Your user name is KARATE. Please see me for the password.

Here's in interactive recorder fingering chart. This will help you remember how to play the notes when you practice at home.

Yet another fingering chart!

One more fingering chart. This one has a piano guide so you can see how a note looks when being played on a piano and recorder.

Rockin' Recorders has a lot of fun songs to play. Don't forget to follow their 5-Way Practice. It really helps you keep the beat!